Would you like to be a PupMedic Responder?

Join the Team.

Prayer First Responder:

In our ongoing journey of crisis response, we recognize the immense value of prayer support. We invite you to become a vital member of our dedicated prayer team, enabling you to receive regular email updates encompassing our urgent needs, uplifting victories, and insightful details of our deployments.

Rest assured, we are committed to respecting your inbox and promise not to inundate you with excessive emails. By joining our prayer team, you will receive just the right amount of information to stay connected and be a significant source of strength and encouragement for our cause.

Financial First Responder:

Join us in building a brighter future, one that embraces preparedness and compassion. Imagine the ability to swiftly respond to disasters, to be on the frontlines of relief efforts, and to lend a helping hand to those in need. To achieve this vision, we humbly request your support in acquiring a compact camper van – a vital tool that will enable us to go the distance and make a lasting impact.

This versatile camper van will serve multiple purposes, serving as our everyday mode of safe transportation to work, as well as our trusted companion in reaching disaster-stricken areas. When calamity strikes, lodging becomes scarce, especially for our furry friends. With this dedicated vehicle, we can ensure the safety and well-being of our team, including our beloved canine companion, as we tirelessly serve those affected.

The van itself is a marvel of self-sustainability, equipped with state-of-the-art amenities that allow us to operate independently. It boasts essential features such as a fully functional kitchenette for nourishment, cozy sleeping quarters for much-needed rest, and even sanitary facilities to address our personal needs. This self-contained oasis on wheels will empower us to remain on-site, providing vital aid and support for extended periods, without relying on external resources.

Our goal is to raise $100,000 to acquire this exceptional van, and we invite you to be a part of this life-changing endeavor. By contributing to this cause, you will help us acquire the vehicle that will become our steadfast companion on the path to making a difference. Donations can be made securely through the National Christian Foundation (NCF), and our project is proudly supported by the reputable Helping Hands Ministry.

Rest assured that your generosity will not go unnoticed. As a token of our gratitude, all donations made to this fund are tax-deductible, and we will provide you with receipts for income tax purposes. Together, we can forge a future where preparedness meets compassion, where the impact of disaster is mitigated by our swift response, and where the most vulnerable among us find solace and support.

Join us in our mission to build resilience, foster hope, and create a safer world. Together, we can make a difference, one mile at a time.

Canine First Responder:

Embrace the opportunity to make a difference! The demand for therapy dog teams is growing rapidly, and we’re thrilled to be part of this meaningful endeavor. If you possess a compassionate spirit and own a dog with a naturally calm presence, we invite you to embark on a journey of becoming a certified therapy dog team. Allow us to guide and support you every step of the way, offering valuable mentoring throughout the process. Together, let’s spread comfort, healing, and joy to those in need. Our dedicated team is eager to lend a hand and share our expertise. Join us, and let’s make a positive impact together!

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